Tuesday, June 27, 2017


ok hello my friends. yes i know it has been a long time but here i am coming at you with fresh blog. as always it is very hot right now :( up at 87 degrees.

 so today is something very dumb that maybe you will not like but maybe you will and here is the idea: what classes would the members of our crew be if we were in video game or something? well after getting to know every body this is what i come up with

warrior/swordsman : chicagoseminoletalker
mage : slim
archer : berkshire
thief : jake bentley

necromancer : thrawn

"tank" : veru

healer: rudy

family dog : ruston rustler
let me tell you one thing people, i would not want to fight this family! i will maybe add more people later but this is what i had time for now. i hope you enjoyed although i know this was very dumb. thank you people for giving me a few minutes of day. thank you and stay safe!

Thursday, June 1, 2017


hello my friends and welcome. i am not sure but i think it must be about 90 degrees today. well today was my first day at new job... and it was not quite what expected!! so i applied to work in produce section and that is what my job title is in, but apparently im only going to be doing that about half the time, and the other half of the time im going to be a meat boy. i did not sign up to be meat boy! well they will have to teach me what to do but i will try my hardest and be the best meat boy i can be.

ok so here are some questions i found for today

1. What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?

 anfernee. also i knew a maxamillion who would get mad if you said max, so you had to say the whole thing which was weird but it is not a bad name.

2. What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?

the bad memes. but maybe i am too optimistic that the normans can figure out high quality memes.

3. What would be the hat to end all hats? What could you wear on your head that would make people stop what they are doing and stare in awe and amazement?

i could just borrow one of ruston rustlers fedoras

ok by the way people this is not one of the questions but i just remembered this and wanted to tell story. one time i was growing something in my yard i think watermelon, and it was getting almost fully grown and as i was looking out my window one day a truck came by and 2 mexicans got out and stole my fruit!! like they just picked it up and walked away and jumped back into car with my watermelon. why!

4. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

i would get rid of soccer ball and then euros would have to watch good sports.

5. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?

skinned racoon head. just the head hanging up the same way somebody would normally put a deer head

6. Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?

 ruston rustler is george costanza

7. What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?

well i filled in as cashier at a store before and one person bought two things: baseball bat and cabbage lol

8. What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?

lol imagine if world leaders played yugioh vs each other and then the leader of iraq or something gets triggered by a female card with hair showing lol

9. Is a hotdog a sandwich?
no i do not believe so

10. What would some fairytales be like if they took place in the present and included modern technology and culture?

well as you can already see with all the new disney princess movies somehow the females are all much stronger and braver than the men. i am sure its just a matter of time before they rewrite cinderella to where she saves prince charming and make peter pan transgender. 😨

ok that is all for today people thank you and stay safe!