Monday, April 22, 2019

/coup/ drawings!

ok hello and welcome to everybody including ruston rustler who is my friend. we are looking at a nice day here in wyoming at 50 degree and cloud. but no rain 😎. but todays blog is dedicated to naphtali moimoi. he was an incomeing recruit to play for university of wyoming cowboy who lost his life after being lost at sea. he had bright future in his life and will be missed.

so now today. i have always wonder about what people look like. so today i drew you. i gave myself 2 minute time limit to draw my friends in the coup in paint and i think they come out really good. lets take a look

boone goone probably look like appalachian logo. hat and beard and pipe. but i think he have green eyes 

i think berkshire look very cool. you can see his sunglass. and beerπŸ˜‚
i think wazzu do drug
rudy probably cathlic and as such he look like this
i think this what melan look like
i think cst has big muscle and lady love him
ruston rustler take his drum everywhere because he play in band for 7 year at la tech
captain paths is actual pirate i think. but he has nice eye
i think that simon have high iq
i think slimhuh is tall and thin
i believe pop is the real honkler and he ride unicycle
i believe side walk bee use to be boy but turn into real bee because i do not see him anymore 
we can assume vols bro from tennnnnneessssssseee. banjo, mullet, moonshine. but he cool!!

there you have it folk. i hope everybody like their drawing and maybe you will make it you phone background or laptop wallpaper?? that would be very cool. tell me if i got close people. ok hope you enjoy i will see you again soon. thank you everybody and stay safe

Saturday, April 13, 2019

nba playoff

ok hello and welcome one and all and ruston rustler to the blog. this life of wyo blog and this you host, me. so today weather is sunny and 50 degree. this a pretty good day people this not too hot. ok so i want to first of all dedicate this blog to simanon and his mom horse. simon you are good friend and am hoping everything turn out ok. ok so today people what are we doing. well let me tell you ok. i figure since i have such great success with ncaa bracket i will give a hand at nba playoff bracket. now people you may be asking, how much knowledge do you have of this association. and to that i tell you i have not watch one game all year. but i keep up with the happenings you know. ok and with thst said lets give it a look.

wow so there you have it people. virginia win ncaa like i think and i think milwaukee to win nba!!!what do pepole think do you agree with me or not please let me know what you think please give me topic ideas please keep reading i love the viewers thank you! thank you i will see you next time hopefully have a good day and be safe everyone!

Monday, April 1, 2019

why losuiona tech is great

ok hello everybody and welcome back to life of lousi. today we will be discussing why my bulldawgs are one of premier teams in athletics, its a chilly day in ruston at 42 degrees. very different from the beatufil 100+ degree weather with humidity that im used to. today i walked outside and didnt even immediate break out into sweat so something is wrong. anyways, well start with football, in which the lasoiuana tech bulldogs are the greatest team of all time.
ok so i know what youre thinking. how can these dawgs be the best team of all time. when you just look at the state of laosuiana, those dawgs are 1-19 against lsu. heck those dawgs are 0-9 against tulane. ok ok so thats true but!!! how about the state flagship the university of loasiana lafayette? yes my dawgs are 48-33 against them. still question that we are great? well what about out record vs the state flagship the university of lousinana monroe? oh yes my friends. dawgs 29-13. still not enough for you, hoe? well i will tell you these dawgs have winning record against grambling, nichols state, southern, and southeastern lousiaono. this should prove to doubters that dawgs are best in the state? lets see how do we stack up against the other conferences? 
as you can see, we are undefeat against the university of virginia, a team who just made the final 4. and tied with florida state, who is king of acc. acc also has virginia tech and georgia tech, so if expansion they will look for another tech. we would fit well in this league.

once again, michigan state final 4. we can compete
loasiuna tech is used to playing on the west coast when we were in the wac. record shows we can compete with the pac 12.
winning record against alabama. nuff said.
so you can see here that we compete well with all of the power conferences. lets take a look at how we have obliterated the group of 5

now we look at one last thing. town of ruston itself. ok people so ruston is a town that is 42% black. soon we will be majority black city. we are very diverse. this is great stuff people. lots of great culture coming to ruston. famous people who graduate from laosaiana tech include
ik enemkpali (class '14) - guy who punch geno smith
josh schobee (class '04) - guy who miss every field goal for steelers few year ago
luke mccown (class '04)- most interesting backup qb
ruston rustler (class '27) - good friend of mine

so there you have it people. dawgs.

april fools 😎i do not mean rude things to lasiagno tech or fans such as ruston rustler it is all joke! ruston rustler is my friend and want great things in life for him. but friends do this thing yes? happy april fool day ruston rustler