ok hello and welcome back to life of wyo the blog 2020. it is currently 53 degree and cloudy in my location. in todays blog i will be introducing you to the fellas. ok lets begin
lets meet carl. folks carl is a star. carl has been in the local newspaper. he is one handsome boy. the people who follow me on snapchat know all about this cat. carls hobbies include being comfortable and exploring.
carl. he was looking inside my door. an indication he was ready for the treats |
carl on top of my old house. he protected me |
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now lets meet the next cat. this cat goes by the name of karl. his name is so close to carl because, well, they look very similar and i didn't know they were different cats for a while 😅 anyways karl is much different than carl. karl is very shy cat. he is very rarely alone. he is always with one of the others.
karl (l) and carl (r) see what im saying. karl has a white dot on his snoz |
now for the youngest kitty i have. harold! harold is crazy cat. harold and karl are best friends. harolds hobby includes losing fights and sniffing wooly's butt. harold is inbred.
harold at full bloom |
next up we have a fabulous girl. wooly. little wools. named after my original feline mr wooly because she looks very similar. when wooly was young she looked like an alien but she is growing up nicely
not pictured - harold with nose up her butt |
ok thats all of the kittens. the next ferocious feline is the lil fella. or thats what i used to call her. now i call her yappy. because she yaps a lot. she is harolds mom. she is very photogenic
last but not least we have the elder. lilly, aka tiger lilly. the mother of carl, karl, and wooly. her hobbies include smacking the other cats, and hissing at the other cats, and not letting them eat with her.
mother and daughter. don't get too close wooly! |
ok there you have it. the 6 felines! let me know who you like. let me know who you want to pet. thank you for reading everybody and i hope you have a great 2020. be safe my friends.