Sunday, August 8, 2021

top 10 fruit

 alright hello everyone and welcome to the blog. today i will be discussing my top favorite fruits. let us begin


i think blueberries are hit or miss. sometimes they are soft and not that great but other times they are crisp and i particularly like when they are sour!


a pineapple is actually a really good fruit to eat in my opinion. however. they mess my stomach up when i eat them so i have to rank them low because well if you dont like me how can i rank highly?


at this point i would have to say the strawberry. not the worlds best fruit in my opinion, but it is a good one to have. it goes well with a lot of thing and they make for a great snack


folks this could be a controversial opinion. watermelon is a very popular fruit amongst all people. and i agree that the best watermelon is about as good as it gets. however most watermelons are not that great. i often have melon that is ok, still tasty and everything, but nothing special. and i often have to smell rotten watermelon at my job and that is very gross so it comes in at number 7 spot

you look at these apples and tell me your mouth doesnt start watering. i personally love honey crisp apple, stayman apple, snapdragon apple. do not like any apple that falsely claims to be 'delicious'


what is there to say other than a peach is a quality fruit. now i personally eat it just like an apple and bite right into it but some people say im weird for that because they dont like the fuzz. i dont care i gnaw right in.

at the number 4 spot we have kiwi. it is exotic folks. when i bite into the kiwi it gives my brain a good feeling. i dont know how to explain it but it goes straight to the brain and i like it 

3. mongoose

very much like the kiwi, the mongoose goes straight to the brain. i eat this and i feel goodness in the brain. people i truly dont understand it, but i like it and it gives a shiver. one thing i do not like about mongoose is its hard to cut but that does not take away from its excellent taste and brain feels


at the silver medal i have to say grapes, particularly the red ones. i start eating these bad boys and i cant stop. ive eaten full 3 pound bags at once. i even think to myself  'ok this will be the last one' and then the last one is so good i have to have another handful. and then another... its so amazing i could eat this all day long

1. ruston rustler

my all time favorite fruit has to be ruston rustler himself. weve been through a lot together. friends for such a long time. not a day has gone by that i havent thought about ruston rustler since we became friends. and yes i accept him for who he is i love him all the same!

ok that is it for todays entry. hope you enjoyed, hope to see you next time. stay safe out there everyone!

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