Monday, June 13, 2022

how i almost got into a fight at the store.

 hello everyone and welcome back to the blog. this is an unplanned blog that i just felt like making because it is a funny story

so yesterday i was working at the store and this trailer with a boat tied to the back of it and some more cars parked right in front of the building blocking the entrance. im guessing total it was like 50 feet worth. note that i didnt see it all pull up, on sundays i have to get the shopping carts in at the top of every hour im there. as i was going to get them i saw it all, and there was like teenage girls climbing out the windows and stuff to sit on the back while i guess one of their dads or older brother or something went in to buy beer and stuff for them. 

well obviously i couldnt go get the carts because the obstruction so i just told the person up front it would have to wait. i come back like 10-15 minutes later and they are still out there, girls still climbing through windows being obnoxious. and i decide f it im gonna go get them anyways. there is this really small space just not quite wide enough for me to get through in between them and i tell them im going to bring them in either way. so the truck at the very back of the line backed up just enough for me to get through with the buggies and i waved at him as a thanks. i asked one of the teen boys, probably 17, "are you guys gonna move this shit any time soon?" and he says "a- ar- are you gonna do any work any time soon?" and to me this was just the most hilarious thing. i assume he thought this was some kinda cool comeback and i just said nah man probably not and walked back inside. as im going back in i hear the kid telling some older woman, again either mom or older sister or something, and i hear her say f me and give me the bird. oh well.

that brings us to tonight. im closing and im walking up front to clock out and as i approach the register i see a familiar face! i hear that woman telling the cashier how some a-hole who worked here asked them when they were gonna move their shit, and maybe i shouldnt have done this but i speak up and i say 'yeah that was me' and her eyes get big and calls me names or whatever, i already forgot. anyways i just tell her it was just obnoxious for them to be in a no parking zone for that long and have those kids doing that stuff. 

then i guess her husband, who was the guy that i guess came into the store yesterday, came up behind her and started staring at me as the woman is still fussing at me but at this point ive zoned her out and im just smiling at the guy who is staring at me. this angered him and he started yelling at me too telling me how he was gonna knock me out so i said "ok fat boy, im sure" and he started coming up on me telling me im not gonna just smile in his face and say that and act like its not a big deal (editors note: its not). at this point the manager is pushing me into the store office and fat boy is following us. i get pushed behind 2 of my coworkers and fat boy is still yelling at me with them in between us. im still cheesing by the way. the guy insults me for working at a grocery store and telling me how he has more money than me and that whatever im getting paid is too much because im not worth anything. cheesing which has him furious.

anyways after a few more minutes of him telling me how hes so much better than me and insults he finally leaves. my coworker who i have actually become good friends with over this past couple weeks started laughing and then the guy starts yelling at him "you think thats funny flat-bill mother fucker?" note coworker had a flat bill hat on. anyways they leave and i walk out of the office and im just freaking laughing at how mad they were and how i apparently ruined their day twice in a row

may we meet again fat boy and heroin woman.


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