Tuesday, December 27, 2022

a christmas miracle

 hello everyone and welcome back to the blog. looks like we will not be setting a new record for least amount of posts in a year! so i have a really interesting story that happened to me at work yesterday that i wanted to share with you.

    so there i am stocking my bags of salad when a cashier calls for me to come up front because there was a phone call specifically for me. so i answer and say thanks for calling how can i help you and i hear "hey um, this is kind of awkward but i was just in the store with my friend and she thought you were really cute but was too scared to ask for your number, do you think you could give it to her?" and i was just quiet for a bit because thats such a bizarre thing to hear. but i did see two women in there kind of looking at me so i knew it had to be one of those two. so i was just like um sure and i gave my number out. and it did turn out to be who i thought it was! she's a really pretty 25 year old and weve been having a nice chat since then lol. 

i asked her how she knew my name to ask for me though and she said her friend saw me in there 2 weeks earlier and facetimed her saying how she just saw a really good looking man working at the store and wanted to set her up with me lol. she said they looked all over the stores facebook page trying to see if they ever posted me and they did find one and thats how they knew. then she said as soon as i walked by them yesterday she looked at her friend and said thats gotta be him and she was like "🤤🤤" omegalel

i didnt know i had it like that fellers. lets see how i blow it this time 😅

ok thank you for reading the blog and i hope you come back again real soon. thank you and be safe everyone

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