Wednesday, February 15, 2017

devils tower

hello people and most importantly good friends such as people in 4chan discord and around the world. today am in utah. arrived last night and still here, it is 50 degrees (10c). much warmer than is in wyoming. not supposed to be so warm in febuary is it people. first thing i want to say today is apology to popovich9008 in discord.
this is the map in question people.
it is map of people who were in discord/friends. popovich is good person so sorry to him that did not include, think when made map you maybe not in discord? i had map for a while before i posted first time. i think you are pittsburgh person yes? i will add you but say if you want to be other team. there are other people from 4chan but not discord i need to put on map. also rudy in discord do you want to be moved to tenessee? people let me know if you want to be moved. also people who not on this map just let me know if you want to be on because if you read this blog you are friend of mine and i want to show am thankful for you people. just leave comment somewhere and let me know if want to be on map and what team/where.

now, yesterday i promised to talk about best place in wyoming, better than yellowstone. that place people is devils tower.
it is very nice place. it has a very strange 'lore' people. so, the story goes that group of indian girls left tribe to go play in woods but they were spotted by huge bears. and people when i say huge bears i mean huge bears. so these bears were very hungry and start to chase the girls. girls run to a rock in ground and gather around and pray to the great spirit to save them. spirit must be pretty great because according to the tale he raise the rock out of ground into tower, just out of bears reach. bear went all around tower trying to climb but just couldnt make it all the way up. his claws made the lines you see on tower.
indians say that if you at the tower and see 7 stars (the girls) followed by 5 stars (bear) that it represents the girls still being chased.

very interesting tale isnt it. i do not want to see bear that big. one time there i did see the star pattern, but obviously do not believe the story. wish it was true though. very creative people they are, most i know also very nice.

by the way people, yellowstone is all the way in top left corner of wyoming, devils tower in top right, cheyenne in bottom right, and fossil butte national monument in bottom left. everything is in the extreme corners it kind of make it hard for me to get to.

so people that is your blog today. i hope you enjoyed and will keep reading. remember people, give ideas on what you want future topics to be about, and if you want to be on my map. thank you people and stay safe.

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