hello people and most importantly good friends such as people in 4chan and discord. it is a sunny 26 degrees outside in wyoming. very nice. people today will be an interesting topic, and some of you might not like it though. i am sorry if you do not like it just tell me what you want to read and i will go with that. but today... people i am going to tell you favorite pokemon of each type. and yes people you will see all most or maybe all of these will come from first 2 generations but that does not mean dislike the new pokemon, ok? still like most but of course most like ones from when kid.
rowlet - grass |
ok well i just said that all would come from early pokemon but here we are. liked pokemon sun after terrible game that was x and this was my starter who i liked. by the way people there are not many good grass pokemon is there? tangela? bellspout? tree dragon with bananas coming off neck? why do these exist.
marill - water |
very cute, yes? tough decision between this and kingdra and slowking. now that i type this i realize there are many king water types. kingdra slowking kingler seaking.
cyndaquil - fire |
all i will say is i dont know why he cant open his eyes until he evolves.
cubone/sandslash - ground |
people look i know i know you hate it when give cop out answers but i could not decide. cubone hit very close to home and sandslash just cool.
rydon - rock |
very stong. think he is primary ground but who care. why did they make his 3rd evolve look so dumb
raichu - eletric |
much better than pikachu dont you think? why ash's pikachu not want to be one of these? pikachu 2 selfish, this isnt about you this is about your trainer. look how happy this raichu look in picture, you are not better than him.
delibird - ice |
very good design. not many cool ice types. jynx? no no no
koffing - poison |
always very happy. do you think he would stink? i would like to hug him
heracross - bug |
dumb that he is not pinsir evolve. they give scythor a gen 2 evolve so why not pinsir. pinsir is also good bug pokemon.
forretress - steel |
not many good steel pokemon is there? no. i guess he kind of look like koffings cousin doesnt he. i want to see eevee steel evole, how ugly do you think that would be
murkrow - dark |
i do not know why i like this guy. just do. but do not like real crows.
haunter - ghost |
what else was i going to pick? dusclops? no
kadabra - psychic |
my number 1 pokemon of all time. cooler than alakazam dont you think? if anybody ever play pokemon stadium/2 on n64 dont you think its funny when he faint and toss spoon up in the air and then it comes back and hits him in the head.
primeape- fighting |
it came down to him and hitmonlee but got to give it to the monkeypig. just wish he wasnt so angry all the time.
marill - fairy |
welcome back.
tauros - normal |
i actually like a lot of normal types so this was probably hardest choice to make. other contenders: porygon stantler aipom lickitung and kangaskahn.
farfetch'd - flying |
one of my top 5 of all time. he is great design but poor stats, but do not care. like him anyways. but why in original games that only put 1 farfetch'd in whole game that you have to trade for and his name 'dux'... do not want dux...
kingdra - dragon |
yeah i do not know why this is dragon but there you go. really do not like many of the 'real' dragon pokemon.
ut pokemon transfer - trash |
ok people thank you for reading todays blog. i have never thought about this before so enjoyed it. make sure to keep leaving suggestion on what you want to see. thank you people and stay safe
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