have i ever...
… injured myself while trying to impress a girl or boy I was interested in.
… had to run to save my life.
… taken food out of a trash can and eaten it.
well yes when i was young but, i would not do this now. im not quite a germaphobe but im not looking to make friends with them
… cried / flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.
… taken part in a talent show.
… made money by performing on the street.
given, not have never performed.
… broken something at a friend’s house and then not told them.
… snooped through a friend’s bathroom or bedroom without them knowing.
… ruined someone else’s vacation.
yes, my mom's :/
… walked for more than six hours.
… jumped from a roof.
it was more of a slide. i was working and only did this to get down, i did not go to roof just to come back down
… shoplifted.
yes and then i took it back lol
… seen an alligator or crocodile in the wild.
… set my or someone else’s hair on fire on purpose.
😲 no!
… ridden an animal.
… had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.
… been arrested.
… pressured someone into getting a tattoo or piercing.
no this would be terrible thing to do to some one
… gone surfing.
… walked out of a movie because it was bad.
… broken a bone.
just toesies
… tried to cut my own hair.
no but in school i let friend cut hair in class and let me tell you one thing i did not let it happen again
… completely forgot my lines in a play.
no because i have not been in plays and this is big reason why
… shot a gun.
many times
… had a surprise party thrown for me.
… cheated on a test.
… dined and dashed.
… gotten stitches.
… fallen in love at first sight.
… had a paranormal experience.
… woken up and couldn’t move.
no, but this scares me very much
… accidentally said “I love you” to someone.
… hitchhiked.
no, but have picked others up
… been trapped in an elevator.
yes but not for long time
… sung karaoke in front of people.
no no no no
… been on TV or the radio.
… pressed send and then immediately regretted it.
… been so sun burnt I couldn’t wear a shirt.
… had a crush on a friend’s parent.
… been awake for two days straight.
no, sleep is good thing
… thrown up on a roller coaster.
… snuck into a movie.
… accidentally sent someone to the hospital.
… dyed my hair a crazy color.
not crazy, but a friend wanted to give me a streak in a certain color, never again.
… had a physical fight with my best friend.
… fallen in love at first sight.
i think this is duplicate question, no.
… had someone slap me across the face.
… worked with someone I hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
… danced in an elevator.
i hope there was no cameras 😧
… cried in public because of a song.
… texted for four hours straight.
… chipped a tooth.
as a kid i hit it so hard the color completely went away. it was one of my front teeth and it was completely black.
… gone hunting.
… had a tree house.
… thrown something into a TV or computer screen.
… been to a country in Asia.
… been screamed at by a customer at my job.
how about a coworker
… spent a night in the woods with no shelter.
… read a whole novel in one day.
… gone vegan.
… been without heat for a winter or without A/C for a summer.
… worn glasses without lenses.
… gone scuba diving.
… lied about a family member dying as an excuse to get out of doing something.
… bungee jumped.
… been to a country in Africa.
no and i rrreeaallly hope i never do
… been on a fad diet.
… been to a fashion show.
when i was i guess 9-15 or something like that every year i would receive an invite in the mail to be a contestant in a youth girls beauty paegeant. why!!! every year i would tell them 'not girl' next year i would get letter again!
… been electrocuted.
… stolen something from a restaurant.
well it was a christmas magnet decoration and they had a lot on the inside of the windows and i took one and as i was walking to car i put it back on the outside of the window
… had a bad allergic reaction.
… been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.
… thought I was going to drown.
yes i was going to drown as a kid and my mom saved me. i will never forget it
… worked at a fast food restaurant.
… fainted.
unfortunate but this happens a lot actually... not like everyday but at seemingly random times every 2-3 months i pass out for about 15 minutes
… looked through someone else’s phone without their permission.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017
hello my friends. thank you for stopping by today. it is a pretty good day in wyoming, i would say about 50 degrees. today at work so far i have bonded with sandra over our hate of debbie. well i did not say anything but i just kind of listened to her rant, because i would not say something bad about her to someone irl. you know really i think i must just be a bad person or something. sandra is the only person except me that dislike debbie. everybody else think that she is great and they have good time talking to her and everything. i will go to my grave thinking that debbie is probably great person and i am just odd one out. but that is the way it goes. work has been very bad for me lately. you know i told you i was taking those anti-depression pills to get to sleep at night, well i have been taking them in the middle of the day now because its getting so tough for me. i know i am not supposed to do that and i was told not to... but it is the only thing that can help me and i have to do something. i can not explain to you just how bad i feel being over there. it has effected my life outside of it too. you probably notice that i have not been writing so many blogs, well that is just because i have been feeling so tired and unmotivated. it is a shame because otherwise my life is probably the best i can remember it being. i really have it good and yet here i am complaining. i hope this was not off-putting to anybody, this was just on my mind and i felt like writing about it. future blogs should be better.
updates since last blog:
thanks everybody for reading. hope you have a great day. stay safe.
updates since last blog:
- bought suit for wedding (i hope i do not gain weight by then haha 😓)
- saw person from high school for first time in years. it is very strange to me how these people who barely spoke to me now so excited to see me. happen a few times recently.
- jazz win northwest division 😎
- rockies off to 5-2 start 😎
- told by young urban (black) guy i looked fresh. thank you urban guy. but i can not help but think any time somebody compliment me that it is a joke. i do not know why i am this way and i hate it but i will hope he was serious.
thanks everybody for reading. hope you have a great day. stay safe.
Monday, April 3, 2017
ok hello my friends i was not going to do a blog today but i figured you know i might as well. but i do not want to spend much time on it so here is just a quick game of would you rather. ok i am sure i dont have to tell you but make sure you right click and open in new tab so you can see better.
thank you, enjoy, and stay safe.
- your friend.
thank you, enjoy, and stay safe.
- your friend.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
why csu is great
hello people. thank you for joining me on this deliteful day. today i would like to talk to you about the greatest college football team of all time, the colorado state university rams.
now i know what you are thinking 'how can the colorado state university rams be the greatest team? they have a losing record vs both colorado and air force, making them the third best team in the state, if that'. okay that might be true, but what about our winning record vs the lowly wyoming cowboys? yes my friends, the rams have a 12 game edge on the cowboys. now, yes it is true that us rams got most of our wins before the 1950s, and that since 1950 the cowboys have a 39-28 edge in the series including a stretch where them boys won 10 in a row, but that does not matter at all. it also does not matter that wyo has more all time wins and a better all time win%. or the fact that wyo has spent 13 more weeks than us in the ap top 25, or that wyo has had more consensus all americans and a better bowl record than us rams. hey while we are at it, it also does not matter that in basketball the cowboys lead us 133-94 all time. yes it might be true that we blew our chance at the big 12 with our midiocracy the last few years but hey at least we won a lot of games vs the cowboys during the world wars. rams rule.
so let me tell you about the great people of fort collins colorado.
well people that is the end of todays blog. yes yes i know you would like to hear more great things about colorado state, but this will have to do for now. i would also like to give a shout out to my best friend in the world - ut ____ transfer.
april fools 😎
now i know what you are thinking 'how can the colorado state university rams be the greatest team? they have a losing record vs both colorado and air force, making them the third best team in the state, if that'. okay that might be true, but what about our winning record vs the lowly wyoming cowboys? yes my friends, the rams have a 12 game edge on the cowboys. now, yes it is true that us rams got most of our wins before the 1950s, and that since 1950 the cowboys have a 39-28 edge in the series including a stretch where them boys won 10 in a row, but that does not matter at all. it also does not matter that wyo has more all time wins and a better all time win%. or the fact that wyo has spent 13 more weeks than us in the ap top 25, or that wyo has had more consensus all americans and a better bowl record than us rams. hey while we are at it, it also does not matter that in basketball the cowboys lead us 133-94 all time. yes it might be true that we blew our chance at the big 12 with our midiocracy the last few years but hey at least we won a lot of games vs the cowboys during the world wars. rams rule.
so let me tell you about the great people of fort collins colorado.
- jake lloyd - born here. everybodys favorite actor in the star wars movies - the ever popular anakin skywalker in phanon menace.
- leslie jones - alum of csu. everybody thinks she is a great and beautiful actress.
- balloon boy
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proud rams |
well people that is the end of todays blog. yes yes i know you would like to hear more great things about colorado state, but this will have to do for now. i would also like to give a shout out to my best friend in the world - ut ____ transfer.
april fools 😎
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