Sunday, May 12, 2019

50th blog. a look back.

hello everybody and welcome to the 50th update to life of wyo. today i just want to reminisce on some of the old blogs and look at the highlights and my favorite posts from the time.

first off lets look at the top 5 most viewed blogs

now lets look at where people found the blog from
so im not surprised the most people found it from 4chan. i guess discord doesnt count as a website for some reason. i was not expecting 5 people to find this blog from camparadise, which i clicked on and apparently thats another name for chaturbate. thank you to whoever is promoting me there.

now - where are the viewers located

20 views from the  u.a.e 😶. thank you to all viewers from each country

how do you view?
very interesting! i generally use firefox myself. and why is someone using internet explore. also i dont know what dalvik is but thank you to whoever use dalvik

my top 5 favorite blogs

1. why csu is great (april fools 2017 special)
3.embarassing stories (definitely check this one out if you missed it!!)
4. sob story (the introduction of debbie)  

alright thank you everybody. this was fun for me and i hope you found some enjoyment from this. i enjoyed making 50 blogs for you, heres to 50 more what do you say. thank you everybody stay safe

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